Friday, April 30, 2010

love never fails

Soon Tatt & Anna tied the knot on 17th April 2010

FYI Anna's my eldest sis.


Koh Residence

St. Andrew Church,KL
Robert Cheah
The emcee
Makeup artist caught sleeping during the service
Prayer & Blessings
Exchange of rings
I find this pic funny...
Noble Banquet, KL

I like this pic.Nice right?
Cousin Kelvin

Smile for the camera!




Ada seorang budak yang panas baran dan suka marah2.
Mak dia cakap.

"Nak,kalo ko marah, ko tanam paku ni kat dinding."

Dia pun setuju.Tiap kali dia marah dia akan paku dinding.
BIla dah sebulan. hampir penuh dinding dia paku.
Mak dia suruh dia cabut semua balik..
Semua paku dia dah cabut. tapi tinggal kesan lubang.

Mak : macam itulah nak,..bila ko buat sesuatu yg akan menyakitkan hati orang lain.kalaupun kau telah dimaafkan tapi bekas tetap kekal. Janganlah suka buat sesuatu yang buat orang lain terluka.

p/s yart aku curi kat facebook ko duh....

yart ibu aku tak bg paku2 dinding aku bru nak wat semalam da kne marah....
aku ckp ko suh duh kalo marah kena paku kat dinding...(aiyokkk yart ibu aku mrh..hahahha)
da tak leyh paku kat dinding...
aku paku lah kat blog neyh....(abes pecah screen laptop aku..ko ganti balik..)
(disaat ko pown tak dibenarkan berblog neyh aku post utk ko lah ea cite neyh..hahahha)


happy oldday NURUL FAIRUS KHALID..
u r officially 21 years old ready...hahaha..
no more ARGUMENTS bout that okay...
urgh da tua maloonya...
da bole mengundi(jom jlnkan tanggungjwb sbg rakyat okay)

its hard to describe me...
im a girl who likes to MUMBLE
and yelling like a stupid dumb dumb
even I'm already 21..

yeah sayer adew mission untuk umur 21 neyh...
harap dapat capai mission tu...
doa an tuk sayer okay...

mcm tak caye jewp da 21 tahun pejam celik pejam celik da tua upanye...
owh plez sayer awet muda okay...
muka bergetah lagi neyh..kenyal lg..hahahhaha

owh yeahh nak say HAPPY BIRTHDAY ka my best buddy sejak skola rendah...
SAZALI SULAIMAN weyh ngeng da lama tak jumpa ko..
mana ko menghilang r..ko tak windu nak celebrate bufday nan aku kew...
tuk SHARIFAH NURASYIKIN happy bufday (td dah wish kat kelas an..ngeeee)

owh yeahhh manyak manyak manyak time kacih ea sapew yg da wish bufday kat peruz...
hadiah nak gak...tagih hadiah kat korg..hohoho...
yg tak wish lg namo kwn korg..majuk2..

lastly tuk pamily sayer...
thanks u so much da adew nan angah selama 21 tahun neyh...
okay mlm sok kita mkn2 beshar..hohohoho...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

PP mates

Outing with Positive Psychology mates and friends
on 23.04.2010 at MidValley.

Lunch @ Pasta Zanmai

From right: Elissa, Mable, Shenka, Michelle, David

Dinner @ Ko Hyang

The girls (exp Revy who left early before the movie)
The people: Michelle, Shenka, Mable, Elissa, Revy, Li Hsia,
Wei Ming, David
Movie of the day: Kick Ass
Nice outing. Must do it again David!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


ohhhh minggu

minggu ini minggu test...

minggu ini minggu assignment..

minggu ini minggu quiz...

minggu ini minggu presentation..

minggu ini minggu mini projek..

minggu ini minggu sibuk...

2 minggu ini minggu sakit ati...

2 minggu lagi minggu final...

bila minggu-minggu nie nak abes...

saya nak minggu yang menyenangkan ati sayer..

cepatlah datang sayer amat merindui minggu2 gumbira sayer...

(time test system...pssssttt ojoy aku curi pic neyh kat album ko..bangga tak nama ko masuk blog aku..hahahhaha..aku suker pic neyh aku jwb soklan dgn siyes tu..weeee;p)

Monday, April 26, 2010

stupido mido!!!!!

ko cakap aku kedekut...eaaa kalau aku kedekut takde maknenye aku nak bg kau tiru kerja aku r...ko ckp nak lepas jep an....ko egt ak tak sentap ker..selama neyh ada aku kedekut bg ko pinjam kerja aku..ada aku kedekut nak bagi ko pinjam wet aku..adew aku kedekut nak share apa-apa nan ko....plez r jaga ayat kau...yg ko tiru kerja kau sampai smpai abes suma ko tukar tu pejadahnye babe...agak2 lah an...muka jep nampak baek tp mulot mcm sampah ..muka tu jadi pelindung kau ajew agaknya...dpn llki baek punya cover...ckp pown teros berubah...urghhhhhh...atleast aku tak pena cover perangai aku mcm kau depan lelaki baek punye cover...duh....ko mcm bdk skola r...errrrkkkkk owhhh plez umor ko da tua okay.. watch ur mouth landikkkkk...landikkkk are not allowed...urghhhh ko mmg chantek so wat ada aku kesah...chantek tp tak tau nk pkir watpe an...nak ckp ko bodoh otak ko baek punya pandai an tp lau pasal lelaki bole tak aku cakap ko memang &*^%$## (urgh tak sampai ati aku nak ckp)... ko tau pulak marah an kalo aku ckp lepas kat ko...ko tak tau pulak aku ase ape lau ko ckp men lepas..haiyyaaaa bole tak ko show up diri ko sebenarnye urghhhhh...n nway for de another one "orang-orang" aku tak pernah ckp keja org lain keja aku...tak pena sama sekali aku nak mengaku kerja org kerja aku..tarik balik ayat korg tu..da r tensen aku ckp pasal kau...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

i drive myself crazy duh..

hype guys..
kinda busy LOL..
busy with assignment, activities, problems(ek??) *sigh..hehe..and so on..
i drive myself crazy..
but still i’m enjoying my life as
a person
a student
a sister
a daughter
whatever la as long as a human being..hehe..
need my friends around so much..
gonna face exams on 17 may..
wish me luck on studies..
gotta increase my pointer..
ignore all problems and people that mess up with my life..
be happy & strong k NURUL FAIRUS..
your journey still far away..

opppssss i must finish n submit all of my work diz week...

check it out "senarai komet halley" yawwwwww...

meja study yg sesepah..yawwwwww -_-"

Friday, April 23, 2010

movie marathon

What would you do if your final exams are over?

For me, I spent most of my leisure time to watch these films. I watch before and after my finals actually.Hah

Everybody's Fine
A family movie which really touches your heart and
teaches you to appreciate your family members more.
Overall rating: 9/10

The Blind Side

The best of the best.I am not a fan of American football but this is an exception.Film featuring the life of the famous football player - Michael Oher.

Won the Golden Globe: Best Actress (Motion Picture Drama), Academy Award: Best Actress Performance in a Leading Role, Best Motion Picture (nominated), People's Choice Award: Favourite Movie Actress, Critics' Choice Award: Best Actress,Screen Actors Guild Award: Outstanding Peformance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role

With awards like these, need I say more?
Overall rating: 10/10

Dear John

Another film based on Nicholas Sparks' novel.
Boy meets girl.
Just another romance film.
With a little pinch of salt (war) and pepper (family) added in it.

Overall rating:7/10

Kick Ass

One silly movie I watched yesterday with PP mates-Michelle,Sheekin,LiHsia, David,WeiMing,Elissa,Mable.(will blog about it soon I get the pictures)

KA's not that bad with Big Daddy (Nicholas Cage) and Hit Girl (Chloe Moretz) fighting scenes. Btw, did you know that the lead actor - Aaron Johnson,19 is engaged to Sam Taylor-Wood,43?

Overall rating: 4/10 (6 for little Chloe) ><

14 Blades

One of the Chinese movies I hardly recommend. Not my favourite type of movie as it is about revenge and all. But the fighting scenes that make you go gaga and olala. Not to mention with hunks like Donnie Yen and Wu Chun to drool on.

Overall rating:7/10


Watched this before my Accounting Practice paper.
A Japanese film about life and death.
Featuring former cast of Death Note - Fujiwara Tatsuya.
Makes your jaw drop.
Yes, it's worth watching.

Overall rating:7/10


smile .
it makes a world difference

who knows when you wont able to?

holding those emotions inside is bad for you

it's one the most wonderful things in this world.

what the point of hiding happiness?

why not let them know you're unhappy?

you don't wanna lose friends, right?

there's no better felling then being wrapped up close to someone you love

because life is everything :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

duh tak kuasa mak nok!!!!!!

eeee geramnya. aku rasa macam mau cakap, "nak sepak ko boleh tak?"menci 1000x
adessss....menci menci...super duper stupido duh......haish....ase mcm batu besar da hampir himpap pale neyh (tol ke spelling tu ea...hohohoo)ea bukan da kene himpap ker...nan komet halley an...hohohoho


jom masuk astrologi kejap ea...lau tak salah komet halley dapat nama dr org yg kira komet kat orbit.errrr nama die edmund halley lau tak salah..(urgh bajet duh nama ko terus famous)
komet neyh muncul dalam lingkungkan 75-76 tahun..sgt2 lama an..last die muncul tahun 1986,and maybe akan muncul blk pada pertengahan 2061(tak au aku idop ker tak masa tu lg an)...hoho..da r lau cite pjg blom tentu abes..ekkkk da masuk sains pulak weee;p...actually dulu minat astrologi...tetibe study programmer...pelik2...huhuhuuyeah suda lama tak baca buku pasal astrologi...haish ferus2...weeee;p...

ouch sambung blk cite...tensen2 r...adesss da r keje mengunung(da kalah gunung everest tinggi die duh)...jgn tanya knp aku mental lepas neyh..dah tu ko nak wat cam ape plak an..PLEASE dun act like ko tu bagus sgt...adesssss....perangai nak mcm ape jep...ckp nak kuat jep...egt die sorg jep bole ckp kuat...yeah aku tau aku mmg mls wat keje...
atleast xdew r mengharap org sgt lau aku wat keje an...uurrrrrgghhh....t ckp ckit touching ckit2 touching...adesss mls tol aku..unduk bha da mcm talam kunuk aku tinguk ko bertrep jak minta puji (amek ko kan da kuar speaking sabah)....eahhh tak paham aku weyh....jap g mengata pastu dpn wat baek mcm tak ckp apa2 HIPOKRIT duh ko...pew neyh babe...tlg r da 21 tahun okay (bak kata ibu aku kalo berlaki ank dah berderet kat pinggang tu)

owh feruz dats sokay...just a few week to final...then 3 week tak mengadap mende neyh sume...
owh cepatlah grade...mak da tak kuasa nak duk kat cni nok...

OMG i miss...
school friends...
school enviroment...
always laugh like de world it's mine...

It's hurt like hell

Monday, April 19, 2010


Another new boy band debut in Japan. They called their band Code Name Blue also known as C.N.Blue. This South Korea 4-member rock band debut on August 19, 2009 under AI Entertainment (Japan) and FNC Music (South Korea).
The Member:
Birth Name: Jung Yong Hwa (정용화) (ジョン・ヨンファ, 鄭容和)
Stage Name: Yong Hwa (용화)
D.O.B: June 22, 1989
Group Position: Leader, Rhythm Guitarist, Main Vocalist & Main Rapper
Height: 180cm
Weight: 63kg
Blood Type: A
Hobbies/Specialties: Appreciating music, Clarinet, Guitar, Composing & Beat box

In October 2009, YongHwa made his acting debut as Kang Shinwoo in the successful Korean idol-drama, SBS drama You're Beautiful.
In February 2010 until April 2011, YongHwa and SNSD SeoHyun formally meet for the first time as husband and wife in MBC variety TV Show We Got Married for season 2 as Goguma Couple.
In January 2011, he compose "For First Time Lovers (Banmal song)" for WGM Goguma couple song.
In July 2011, he starred in MBC korean drama, "You've Fallen For Me" / "Heartstrings" as Lee Shin. His solo in You've Fallen For Me - MBC Heartstrings OST.

Birth Name: Lee Jong Hyun (이종현) (イ・ジョンヒョン, 李宗泫)
Stage Name: Jong Hyun (종현)
D.O.B: May 15, 1990
Group Position: Lead Guitarist & Vocalist
Height: 182cm
Weight: 64kg
Blood Type: O
Hobbies/Specialties: Appreciating music, Exercising, Guitar & Judo

In October 2010, Jong Hyun made his acting debut as Sang Won in korean movies "Acoustic" along with his member Min Hyuk.
Duet with Min Hyuk in High Fly - Acoustic movies OST (2010).

Birth Name: Kang Min Hyuk (강민혁) (カン・ミンヒョク, 姜敏赫)
Stage Name: Min Hyuk (민혁)
D.O.B: June 28, 1991
Group Position: Drummer & Backing Vocalist
Height: 184cm
Weight: 60kg
Blood Type: A
Hobbies/Specialties: Soccer, Bsketball, Flute & Drum

In October 2010, Min Hyuk made hi acting debut as Hae Won in a korean movie, "Acoustic" and duet with Jong Hyun in High Fly for Acoustic OST.
In November 2010, he starred in SBS korean drama, "It's Okay, Daddy's Girl" as Hwang Yeon Doo.
In July 2010, he starred in Orange Caramel - Magic Girl MV.
In July 2011, he starred in MBC korean drama, "You've Fallen For Me" / "Heartstrings" as Yeo Joon Hee.

Birth Name: Lee Jung Shin (이정신) (イ・ジョンシン, 李正信)
Stage Name: Jung Shin (정신)
D.O.B: September 15, 1991
Group Position: Bassist, Rapper & Backing Vocalist
Height: 187cm
Weight: 66kg
Blood Type: A
Hobbies/Specialties: Appreciating music, Rap & Bass

In March 2011, Jung Shin starred in 4Minute - Heart to Heart MV.

4th Single ~ In My Head
Released: October 20, 2011
1. In My Head
2. MR. KIA (Know It All)
3. Rain is Blessing

4. In My Head (Instrumental)

3rd Single ~ Re-maintenance
Released: January 9, 2011
1. Try Again, Smile Again
2. Don't Say Goodbye
3. Kimio
4. Try Again, Smile Again (Instrumental)

2nd Single ~ I Don't Know Why
Released: September 16, 2010

1. I Don't Know Why
2. Lie
3. I Don't Know Why (Instrumental)
4. Lie (Instrumental)

1st Single ~ The Way

Released: June 23, 2010

1. The Way Part 1~One Time~
2. The Way Part 2~Ready N Go~
3. The Way Part 3~Eclipse~
4. The Way Part 1~One Time~ (Instrumental)

2nd Album ~ 392
Released: September 1, 2011
1. The Way Part 2~Ready N Go~
2. The Way Part 1~One Time~
3. Man in front of the Mirror
4. Try Again, Smile Again
5. Lie
6. The Way Part 3~Eclipse~
7. Illusion
8. Don't Say Good Bye
9. I Don't Know Why
10. Coward
11. Kimio

1st Album ~ ThankU
Released: March 20, 2010

1. Intro
2. Let's Go Crazy
3. Love Revolution
4. Wanna Be Like U
5. Never Too Late
6. Now Or Never
7. Voice
8. Just Please
Y, Why...
10. Teardrops In The Rain
11. One Of A Kind

2nd Mini ~ Voice
Released: November 25, 2009

1. Voice
2. Wanna Be Like U
3. Never Too Late
4. Y, Why...
5. One Of A Kind

1st Mini ~ Now or Never
Released: August 19, 2009

1. Now Or Never
2. Let's Go Crazy
3. Love Revolution
4. Just Please
5. Teardrops In The Rain


3rd Mini ~ First Step + Thank You
Released: April 26, 2011
1. Love Girl (MV)
2. Try Again, Smile Again
3. Don't Say Good Bye
4. 그래요 (Yes)

2nd Mini ~ Bluelove
Released: May 19, 2010

1. LOVE [Title]
2. Sweet Holiday
Black Flower
4. Tatto
5. 사랑 빛 (Love Light)
6. Let's Go Crazy

1st Mini ~ Bluetory
Released: March 18, 2010

1. 외톨이야 (I'm A Loner)
2. Love Revolution
3. Y, Why...
4. Now Or Never
5. 그 럴 겁니다… 잊을 겁니다… (I Will...Forget You...)

1st Album ~ First Step

Released: March 21, 2011
1. 직감 (Intuition) (Title Track)
2. Love Girl
3. 상상 (Imagine)
4. I Don't Know Why (Korean Version)
5. 사랑은 비를 타고 (Love Rides the Rain) (Korean Version)
6. Lie (Korean Version)
7. One Time (Korean Version)
8. Just Please (Korean Version)
9. Wanna Be Like U (Korean Version)
10. Ready N Go (Korean Version)
11. 고마워요 (Thank You) (Korean Version)
12. One Of A Kind (Bonus Track)

KDrama OST
2011 July
MBC You've Fallen for Me / Heartstrings OST: C.N.Blue (YongHwa) ~ 넌 내게 반했어
: C.N.Blue (MinHyuk) ~ 별 (The Star)
2010 Ocotober
Acoustic OST: C.N.Blue (JongHyun & MinHyuk) ~ High Fly