Monday, January 31, 2011


hyee peeps!! selamat tengah hari,,cuaca hari ni sangat baikan,,matahari da muncul baliklah setelah hujan beberapa hari yg lalu akhirnya matahari muncul kembalilah warghh sangat excited untuk merongeng kan,,huhu,,mesti korg da baca news hari nie kan berlakunya banjir di beberapa tempat,,sangat dasyat okay,,nak tau tak,,apew namo tau meh sini norule tarik tinge korg satu-satu hehe,,nak taknak korg kene gak dengar norule nak bebising nie,,korg nak tau tak 2 hari yg lepas hujan tak berenti turun kat kawaasn rembau nie, semalam jep angin tiup kuat sangat tau,, semalam jep banyak pokok tumbang garage rumah org tumbang kat rembau nie mcm kene serang puting beliung tau sangat seram,,dah tu semalaman tade letrik dok dalam gelap sangat kesian kan +___+,,korg baca tak berita pagi nie kat berita harian  Banjir landa lima negeri ragut 3 nyawa, 54,637 mangsa sudah dipindahkan .. sangat seramkan,,

musim-musim hujan nie korg elak-elakanlah melakukan aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan laut ker sungai ker sebab air naik sgt teruk okay,,kepada sesape yg plan nk g bercuti ke tanah tinggi ker g pantai ker asenye korg postpone r dulu sebab nye dengan cuaca mcm nie mmg sgt tak baik lah kan tok keselamatan korg jugakan..

KUALA LUMPUR: Banjir yang melanda Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Melaka dan Sabah sejak kelmarin meragut tiga nyawa dengan 54,637 mangsa daripada 12,314 keluarga dipindahkan ke 368 pusat pemindahan sementara.
Dua mangsa yang mati di Johor, ditemui lemas selepas kenderaan yang mereka dinaiki dihanyutkan arus deras, masing-masing di Chaah, Labis dan Kampung Rahmat, dekat Kulaijaya, malam kelmarin.
Dalam kejadian di Labis, Rohani Ismail, 51, mati lemas apabila kereta Perodua Kancil yang dipandu suaminya, Abdul Latif Isnin, 53, dihanyutkan arus deras sehingga ke kawasan kebun sawit sejauh 20 meter sebelum tersangkut pada pokok sawit ketika memperlahankan kereta di Kilometer 145 Jalan Labis-Johor Bahru kerana mengekori sebuah kenderaan lain.

Seorang lagi mangsa, Aw Yoke Lim, 53, lemas selepas kenderaan pacuan empat roda yang dinaikinya dihanyutkan air deras dan terhumban ke dalam sungai di Kampung Rahmat, di Kulaijaya.

Di Melaka pula, pengawal keselamatan, Yusri Mohd Yusof, 31, dari Kampung Chinchin menjadi korban pertama banjir di negeri itu. Mangsa ditemui lemas berhampiran pam loji air Sungai Chinchin kira-kira jam 1.30 tengah hari semalam, dipercayai selepas tergelincir ketika pulang dari tempat kerja dalam hujan lebat.

Sementara itu, Johor mencatat jumlah mangsa banjir tertinggi iaitu 44,055 penduduk daripada 10,028 keluarga, terutama dari daerah Segamat, Kluang dan Johor Bahru. Selain itu, bandar Segamat dan Mersing terputus hubungan darat apabila semua jalan dinaiki air sehingga 1.5 meter. 
Pegawai Majlis Keselamatan Negara Cawangan Johor, Mejar Sulaiman Ngadimin, berkata sehingga petang semalam, 11,615 penduduk dari Kluang, 10,169 dari Segamat dan 8,260 dari sekitar Johor Bahru dan selebihnya dari kawasan lain dipindahkan ke sebanyak 243 pusat pemindahan banjir di seluruh negeri ini dan makin bertambah.

Sabah pula mencatatkan 3,980 mangsa dipindahkan di empat daerah berikutan hujan lebat dengan Kota Marudu mencatat mangsa paling ramai, iaitu 2,175, diikuti Beluran (1,276), Sandakan (364) dan Pitas (75).

Tiga sungai di Kota Marudu yang mencatat peningkatan ke paras bahaya ialah Sungai Bongon setinggi 7.04 meter dan Sungai Batasan (6.53 meter) serta Sungai Bengkoka (4.8 meter).

Hujan lebat berterusan di Melaka pula menyebabkan beberapa kawasan rendah dilanda banjir mengakibatkan 2,432 penduduk dari sekurang-kurangnya 30 kampung dan taman perumahan di tiga daerah utama dipindahkan selepas dinaiki air hingga hampir paras dua meter. Kawasan paling teruk terjejas adalah di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Gadek dan Durian Tunggal.

Selain itu, seramai 2,232 penduduk membabitkan 496 keluarga di empat daerah di Negeri Sembilan dipindahkan ke sebanyak 26 pusat pemindahan sementara sejak tiga hari lalu. Kawasan terbabit ialah Tampin, Jempol, Kuala Pilah dan Rembau.

Sementara itu, seramai 538 mangsa dari 133 keluarga di Pahang dipindahkan ke sebanyak 18 pusat pemindahan sementara selepas daerah Rompin, Raub, Bentong dan Maran dilanda banjir, sejak pagi semalam.

actually sandakan mengalami kejadian yang sangat teruk tau,,dari dulu lagi kalo hujan lebat mmg sandakan effect teruk sgt tau,,jum cekidot malapetaka yg berlaku kat sandakan negeri norule dok membesar selama 11 tahun nie,,gambar nie sume norule amek kat facebook kredit kat mereka sume,,

kejadian nie berlaku kat pasir putih,,korg rase lah kan kalo adew org dalam kereta tu adakah mereka akan selamat ohh tidakk +__+

yang nie pulak tanah runtuh kat jalan nak ke sekolah cheng min,,dari norule sekolah lg kawasan nie mesti adew tanah runtuh kalo nak g sekolah norule akan lalu sini sebabnye norule dulu sekolah kat st.michael..

tengok kereta un da tengelam sangat kesian kan,

p/s da tau musim hujan korg takyah dok mengatal nk g bercuti kat kawasan tanah tinggi ker pantai ker,,kalo korg tak sayang nyawa un sayanglah nyawa org lain,,

s e h i n g g a b e r j u m p a l a g i



hyee peeps happy Tuesday,,happy lah sangat kene g keje kot,,so kepada yg keje kat KL tu mesti tengah duk happy enjoy sana sini sebab cuti an,,wargh ase sgt jeles meles tau LOL +____+..nak tau tak semalam angin kuat sgt kat rembau dengan ketiadaan letrik sampai pagi tau,,byk pokok tumbang speechless ase sgt seram uhukz uhukz,,okay hari ni norule bukan nak cerita pasal pokok tumbang segala bagai hari nie norule nak cerita pasal dyslexia,,sape adew tengok cerita dyslexia hari sabtu kol 10.00 mlm tu,,cepat angkat kaki tinggi2 norule nak kira,,kalo tak angkat norule ketuk pale laju-laju kang hehe,,

cerita die sangat best tau sangat sedih kott,,hurmm,,mengisahkan tentang seorang budak yang menghidapi dyslexia org sekeliling tak dapat nak terima die sebab dorg ase yg die nie lembap sebabnye die nie tak reti nak membaca hakikatnye die menghidapi dyslexia,,akhirnya babah die hantar die kesekolah tahfiz utk die belajar demi masa depan die,,kat sekolah tahfiz tu lah die berusaha untuk belajar dan mengingati sume,,

dyslexia nie sebenarnya adalah ketidak mampuan  seseorang yang menghidapinya untuk belajar. mereka-mereka yang menghidapi dyslexia nie akan mengalami masalah dengan membaca dan menulis tetapi mereka nie bukanlah golongan OKU sebab mereka masih boleh pulih seperti biasa..

banyak penghidap penyakit nie merupakan orang-orang yg fomous tau,,jum2 cekidot siapakah mereka itu,,

Tom cruise sape yang tak kenal dengan die nie,,meh sini aku sekeh pale korg lelaju nak tak hehe,,die nie adalah pelakon dan penerbit filem dari amerika "
"Cruise has said that he suffered from abuse as a child. This was partially due to him suffering from dyslexia. He stated that when something went wrong, his father came down hard on him. Having gone through fifteen schools in twelve years, Cruise, who dropped his father's name at age twelve, was also a victim of bullying at school"
Albert Einstein sape yang tak kenal die nie,,memang aku ketuk sangat lajulah ann,,giler korg tak kenal,,die nie seorang yang genius okay, die merupakan seorang ahli teori fizik dan matematik..
One of his better known achievements was the mass-energy equivalence equation: E = mc2.
die nie juga sebenarnya seorang yang menghidapi dyslexia juga, mesti korg tak cayakan,,
Being one of the most important great minds of his century Albert Einstein was then known to suffer from dyslexia mainly because of his bad memory and his constant failure to memorize the simplest of things. He would not remember the months in the year yet he would succeed in solving some of the most complicated mathematical formulas of the time without any trouble.

Alexander Graham Bell penghasas kepada penggunaan telefon sapa sangka rupanya die nie juga seorang yang menghidapi dyslexia juga..
He himself had dyslexia which would cause him problems at school, but he always kept his interest for science, especially biology. He would show a great indifference for everything else and would have poor grades 
actually adew banyak lagi orang yang fomous nie yang hidap dyslexia nie,,so kita tak boleh pandang rendah kat mereka nie,sebabnye mereka nie penyumbang kepada masyarakat juga.. 

s e h i n g g a b e r j u m p a l a g i

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Leeteuk And Heechul (Super Junior) terlibat dengan kemalagan dekat Singapore

hyeeep peeps happy sunday even hujan taknak berenti dari semalam i tot after diz if the rain still pouring memang rembau nie banjir lah an baru r ase duk umah dalam air an,,hahaha,,

ea sape peminat Super Junior cepat angkat kaki tinggi2 norule nak kira nie,,1 2 3 uhh ramainye hehe,,sapelah yg tak kenal mereka an lagu mereka hot kot sume best2 uhh,,now on norule like their song with the title Banomana,,what a superb song,,okay for ur all punya information baru-baru nie Heechul dan Leeteuk mengalamai kemalangan kecil semasa concert Super Show 3 kat singapore,,

Leeteuk posted on his twitter "it's good if you want to follow our car, but be careful when you come.A 7 cars accident, front and back, i almost died"
okay even korg fanaik sangat2 dengan SuperJunior mcm norule tp be cool r takkan sampai nak buat nyawa melayang kot,,let's say mereka cedera teruk sape nak nyaniyi t oiiii aku minat mereka kot,,huhu,, for more information korg leyh klik link nie..

on the way to their concert Super Show 3 in Singapore, Super Junior members Leeteuk and Heechul were in a minor car accident! Anxious fans gathered at the airport in sigapore to greet Super Junior on the arrival flight from Tokyo where they had recently performed as SM Town Live. As super Junior piled in vans to make their way to Super Show 3, fans rushed into taxis to follow close behind, A little too close, actually! A few short stops and - A seven car accident. An SM Entertainment representive said, "I think the fans were really excited since it was the first time Super Junior's show was held in Singapore. Thankfully, the members have no injury that they had no problem going on the stage. only the van was damaged." He Then added, " but since the after effect of an accident is scary, when they arrive in Korea on 31st we are going to tell them to get an examination." Later on Leeteuk and Heechul talked about the accident on their twitters. Leeteuk posted on his twitter "it's good if you want to follow our car, but be careful when you come.A 7 cars accident, front and back, i almost died,"followed by Heechul who said, " Hey hey, if you want to see us, to the concert venue, go go. Everyone is in danger. I don't want the past tp pass before my eyes ever again~."
s e h i n g g a b e r j u m p a l a g i

Friday, January 28, 2011

Christina Aguilera

New Song from Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera - Something's Got a Hold On Me (Burlesque)

Christina María Aguilera (born December 18, 1980) is an American recording artist and actress. Aguilera first appeared on national television in 1990 as a contestant on the Star Search program, and went on to star in Disney Channel's television series The Mickey Mouse Club from 1993–1994. Aguilera signed to RCA Records after recording "Reflection",the theme song for the animated film Mulan (1998).In 1999, Aguilera came to prominence following her debut album Christina Aguilera, which was a commercial success spawning three number one singles on the Billboard Hot 100—"Genie in a Bottle", "What a Girl Wants", and "Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)." A Latin pop album, Mi Reflejo (2001), and several collaborations followed which garnered Aguilera worldwide success, though she was displeased with her lack of input in her music and image.After parting from her management, Aguilera took creative control over her second studio album, Stripped (2002). The album's second single, "Beautiful," was a commercial success and helped the album's commercial performance amidst controversy over Aguilera's image.Aguilera followed up Stripped with Back to Basics (2006), which was released to positive critical acclaim and included elements of soul, jazz, and blues music.Aguilera's fourth studio album Bionic (2010), which incorporated aspects of R&B, electropop, and synthpop, was met with mixed reviews and poor sales.Aside from being known for her vocal ability, music videos and image, musically, she includes themes of dealing with public scrutiny, her childhood, and female empowerment in her music.Apart from her work in music, she has also dedicated much of her time as a philanthropist for charities, human rights and world issues. She made her feature film debut in the musical Burlesque (2010), earning Aguilera a Golden Globe nomination for Best Original Song. Aguilera's work has earned her numerous awards and accolades, including a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, four Grammy Awards and a Latin Grammy Award, amongst fifteen and three nominations respectively. Rolling Stone ranked her number fifty-eight on their list of the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time, ranking as the youngest and only artist on the list under the age of thirty.She was ranked the 20th Artist of the 2000–09 decade by Billboardand is the second top selling single artist of the 2000s behind Madonna.Aguilera has sold nearly 50 million albums worldwide making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time.

The constant theme in Aguilera's music and lyrics is love, although she has written on other subjects including spirituality, female empowerment, and grief. Aguilera has also written about her childhood in two of her records which dealt with domestic abuse. In an interview Aguilera admitted she feels responsible to reveal her most vulnerable feelings and to share the darker sides of her life adding "People that can relate might not feel as alone in the circumstance."[136] She has been noted to constantly changing her sound in her music and lyrical content. Originally marketed as a bubblegum pop singer during the late 90's pop scene, she quickly departed into a broad range of musical genres for her follow-up album Stripped. A review states, "Clearly afflicted with Premature Serious Artist Syndrome, Aguilera wants to demonstrate the range of her interests – vampy soul, quasi-metal, piano-bar intimacy, quiet-storm R&B, bounce-bounce hip-hop, and semi-exotic rock, all of it dutifully accomplished."The majority of the songs are characterized by Aguilera's loud vocals, though she has used breathy and soft vocals.Her 2006 release, Back to Basics included producer DJ Premier. The New York Times exclaims, "Her decision to work with the low-key DJ Premier was also a decision to snub some of the big-name producers on whom pop stars often rely." Aguilera has often cited that she prefers working with producers that are not in popular demand, saying "I don't necessarily go to the main people that are the No. 1 chart-toppers in music."The album included live instrumentation and samples of past jazz and soul records. Some tracks on the album included non-traditional forms of pop music such as swing jazz and big band, drawing comparisons to Madonna's I'm Breathless and the musical film Cabaret.Her first feature film, Burlesque, influenced by Cabaret, featured mainstream producers Tricky Stewart and Danja on the soundtrack where several established songs were updated and worked into dance numbers, a style similar to 2001's Moulin Rouge! "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" was performed by Aguilera in the film, a musical number also performed by Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge!

Christina Aguilera Blond Straight Hair
Christina Aguilera Short Blond Hair
Christina Aguilera Burlesque
Christina Aguilera Fashion
Christina Aguilera Curly Black Hair
Christina Aguilera Pregnant

You and I Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga Unique Accessories

You And I - Lady Gaga (New Song 2011)

Lady Gaga Unique Eyeglass
Lady Gaga Black Theme
Lady Gaga Unique Clothes Grammy Award
Lady Gaga Black and White Photo
Lady Gaga Bubble Clothes
Lady Gaga Sexy Blond Hair

Atif Aslam

Atif Aslam - Tere Liye Prince

Atif Aslam Album
Atif Aslam on Coat
Atif Aslam Performance
Atif Aslam Serious Expression
Atif Aslam Sunglasses
Atif Aslam Green Jacket
Atif Aslam Unique Hair Model
Atif Aslam Playing Guitar

A R Rehman

Allah Rakha Rahman (born 6 January 1966 as A. S. Dileep Kumar) is an Indian film composer, record producer, musician and singer. His film scoring career began in the early 1990s. He has won fourteen Filmfare Awards, eleven Filmfare Awards South, four National Film Awards, two Academy Awards, two Grammy Awards, a BAFTA Award and a Golden Globe.Rahman obtained a degree in western classical music from the Trinity College of Music in London, and set up his own in-house studio called Panchathan Record Inn at Chennai, arguably one of Asia’s most sophisticated and high-tech studios.Later by working in India's various film industries, international cinema and theatre, by 2004, Rahman, in a career spanning nearly two decades, had sold more than 150 million records of his film scores and soundtracks worldwide, and sold over 200 million cassettes, making him one of the world's all-time top selling recording artists.He was described as "India's most prominent movie songwriter" by Time magazine in 2005.His works are notable for integrating eastern classical music with electronic music sounds, world music genres, new technology and traditional orchestral arrangements. Time magazine has referred to him as the "Mozart of Madras" and several Tamil commentators have coined him the nickname Isai Puyal. In 2009, Time magazine placed Rahman in its list of World's Most Influential People.

Jai Ho (You Are My Destiny)

Though his film career started in 1992, Rahman at the age of nine, in 1975, had accidentally played a tune on piano during his father's recording for a film, which R. K.Shekhar later developed into a complete song, "Vellithen Kinnam Pol", for the Malayalam film Penpada. This track credited to his father, was sung by Jayachandran and penned by Bharanikkavu Sivakumar.n 2005, Rahman extended his Panchathan Record Inn studio by establishing AM Studios in Kodambakkam, Chennai, thereby creating the most cutting-edge studio in Asia.In 2006, Rahman launched his own music label, KM Music. Its first release was his score to the film Sillunu Oru Kaadhal.Rahman scored the Mandarin language picture Warriors of Heaven and Earth in 2003 after researching and utilizing Chinese and Japanese classical music, and co-scored the Shekhar Kapoor project Elizabeth: The Golden Age in 2007. His compositions have been sampled for other scores within India, and appeared in such films as Inside Man, Lord of War, Divine Intervention and The Accidental Husband. In 2008, Rahman scored his first Hollywood picture, the comedy Couples Retreat released the next year. Rahman scored the film Slumdog Millionaire in 2008, for which he won a Golden Globe and two Academy Awards, becoming the first Indian citizen to do so. In the United States, the soundtrack topped the Dance/Electronic Albums chart and reached #4 on the Billboard 200 chart. The song "Jai Ho" reached #2 on the Eurochart Hot 100 Singles and #15 on the US Billboard Hot 100.Rahman was the 1995 recipient of the Mauritius National Award and the Malaysian Award for contributions to music. He was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award for his first West-End production. A four-time National Film Award winner and conferred the Padma Shri from the Government of India, Rahman has also received six Tamil Nadu State Film Awards, fourteen Filmfare Awards and eleven Filmfare Awards South for his music and scores. In 2006, he received an honorary award from Stanford University for contributions to global music. In 2009, for his score of Slumdog Millionaire, Rahman won the Critics' Choice Award, the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score, the BAFTA Award for Best Film Music, and two Academy Awards for Best Original Music Score and Best Original Song at the 2009 Oscars. Rahman has received honorary doctorates from Middlesex University and Aligarh Muslim University. Later the year Rahman was conferred the honorary doctorate from Anna University in Chennai. He has also won two Grammy Awards, for Best Compilation Soundtrack Album and Best Song Written for a Visual Media. Rahman was awarded the Padma Bhushan, India's third highest civilian honor, in 2010. Rahman was nominated for the 2011 Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score for the film 127 Hours. He is also nominated for the BAFTA Award for Best Film Music, and two Academy Awards for Best Original Music Score and Best Original Song, for the same film. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Trinity College of Music in London.

A R Rehman Get 2 Cups on Grammy Awards
A R Rehman with His Wife
A R Rehman on Coat
A R Rehman Best Performance
A R Rehman with His Piano
A R Rehman Poster
A R Rehman Best Singer

Thursday, January 27, 2011

k-drama 3 - dream high

The new k-drama that I'm addicted to - Dream High!
Total episodes: 16

Kirin Art High School is just not just any high school. It is school for art and entertainment to build up superstars of Korea.

Even you may have the strong personality, talent, looks, and even wealth, but still, it does not make you any easier to become the next Korean Idol. The six new students of Kirin are up with the challenge.

Ko Hye Mi (Bae Suji of Miss A) has been always a top student in singing. However, her arrogance brings her down. Hye Mi appears to be strong and confident, but deep inside there's an ugly past that she couldn't get over with. Her dream school was Julian High School, but because of her father's debts, she is forced to enroll Kirin.

Somehow, I find Hye Mi's a cold-hard bitch who simply doesn't know how to appreciate her best friend, Baek Hee who always treat her nicely. And I simply don't know wtf is wrong with Sam Dong and Jin Gook who are deeply and crazingly in love with her. Yes, Hye Mi may be talented and beautiful, but her personality just not, erm, attractive.

I like Baek Hee's short hair and her sense of style!
Baek Hee (Eun Jung) is the ex-best girlfriend/ex-follower of Hye Mi who turned into a pretty "monster" after since she was betrayed by Hye Mi. She tries to beat Hye Mi who appears to have everything. At the same time, Baek Hee also tries to win her mother's heart.

Err, who's this chubby girl?
She's IU who plays the overweight student, Kim Pil Suk.

The cute Pil Suk lost some fat in 200 days just to be with her crush, Jason.
I like IU's character because she's soooo cute and funny in the drama!
Now, for the hunks of Dream High...

Jason (Woo Young of 2PM) is an exchange student who enroll in Kirin to pursue his dream. He is the best student in Kirin, so far.

I'm anticipating for the chemistry between Jason and Pil Suk because they make a cute couple!

This is, err, Sam Dong (Kim Soo Hyun) who has the ugliest hairstyle among all. Geez. Well, that's mainly because he has zero sense of style before entering Kirin. Sam Dong lives with his widowed mother in a country side. He then follows his love-at-the-first-sight lover, Hye Mi to Kirin and discover his musical talent there.
If you know Cantonese, you may find the name, Sam Dong sounds funny/weird. I think he's very caring and loving person who cares about his mother and Hye Mi very much and put their feelings as the priority.

Jin Gook (Taec Yeon of 2PM) is a talented dancer who dreams to become a global star. He always appear to be depressed because he is rejected by his wealthy father. Jin Gook and Hye Mi were childhood friends. Like Sam Dong, he has feelings for Hye Mi too.