Monday, June 28, 2010

new sem!!!

Once upon a time...
Hello Monday! Wow,
July is just around the corner and Im not ready yet for my final semester.
Not ready to meet new people and not ready for the toughest subjects that I will take for this sem
Damn ! =__=’ But whatever it is, I do miss my classmates and ex-roommates.
Yeah, like seriously I miss them...
OMG senior years babe..dun believe it...


Thursday, June 24, 2010


I cut my hair yesterday. None of my friends (except for Amanda who accompanied me to the saloon) notice it because it was only about 2.5 inches shorter. I've been planning to cut my hair for three weeks already, but I kept delaying it until yesterday. Tada to my split ends.

Went back to college and waited in the library until the clock strikes 7.30pm just to go to the night market near the college. The others (Lam, KengCheng, MaiMai, HuiSan, Ng, Amanda) were late. Hey, I've never been punctual before - it's either I'm late or early. But yesterday was totally different. I was punctual and all. Unusual me & unusual them.

Finally had what I've been craving for - Char Kuay Teow!!!!
It's not like the CKT there is famous or something, but I miss the aroma very much.
Headed home after our late dinner. Squeezing between people ain't fun. Imagine if you living in Tokyo and you have to go to work everyday by the underground train...
A few weeks ago, sense showed us a picture of a crowd in one of the train station in Tokyo. The people's faces actually pass each other's like 10 cm apart only. Omigosh. Imagine smelling each other's breath and body odour. Even worst, being molested or pickpocket-ed.
That is why I don't like big crowds. But I was surprised that I was ok with the people when I went to Kelly Clarkson's concert. I even enjoyed myself. Hahaha.
It's time for me to share a few movies that I've watched recently.

One word - lame.
He's a 5, she's a 10.
Jay Baruchel plays a guy who has very low self-esteem. He has no future, no money, no brains.
Alice Eve is one hot blonde. She plays a successful event planner and every guy admires her beauty. Alice also appeared in SATC (Sex and The City 2). There are some funny scenes, but I don't really like the lame plot so I'm giving it a 4/10.

29th of February - the leap day.
This is one of my favourite comedy/love movies.
The story is kind of different compared to other comedy movies.
Both of the main actors are good-looking and I like Goode's English accent.
I laughed throughout the film and it's really romantic.
Overall rating: 8/10

I only watch this because of the hunk - Josh Duhamel!!! Too bad the plot is ordinary and nothing that makes the audience goes gaga over with. I still prefer Kristen Bell off-screen. (Bell's the narrator of the hit drama series - Gossip Girl) I just think that she isn't suitable for Beth's character. You don't have to agree with me, it's just my opinion. Love Duhamel in Transformers.

Overall rating: 6/10

This Japanese movie is about all-girls band and these high school students are very lame not only in their studies but also in music. But they have this passion in music that they think it is worth fighting for. Not really my type of movie because of the girls' lameness. The leader of the band ( I don't rmb her name) reminds me of Nodame in Nodame Cantabile. Nothing special about this film but surprisingly it won several awards in JAA. Btw, most of the girls in the band do not know how to play the instruments, but they played the performances after training for only 5 months.

Overall rating: 5/10


A 2009 Japanese film. About two talented opera singers who compete with each other in order to win in a competition. The antagonist (the girl in black) is a hypocrite. Bitch. I don't like her character although she's talented in singing. On the other hand, Shio played by Stephanie ステファニー, is a total babe but she has a big rich-people ego. Stephanie's a singer in reality. She's a mixed - half American, half Japanese. A Part of Me - one of the duet among the girls in the movie. I like this song. But not the movie because it ends badly. Not really bad larh, but it can be better than that.

Overall rating: 7/10 (8 for Stephanie)

Friday, June 18, 2010


just a bit more to get 3.50..
but everything is ____________
i do de best for my exam already..
just one paper..
and everything has been destroyed..

I am going to grow right at this moment...
definitely will bounce back and become stronger than before...
I ain't going to let the disappointments to drown me longer like before....

I should be grateful because i don't have to repeat System Analysis...
I do not expect I can get B for System analysis..
I am grateful even though it hurts me a lot.........

hanya kenangan

i'm so sorry...because I was not ready to fall in love at the moment..
not because I do not like you..I am really not ready..I am not one who easily falls in love...
This time I just want to focus on my study work and I have a lot of money (aku an bermata duitan hahahhaha)besides I was still young, still have a lot of time for me to think about love.
you are my best friends since we're in school,to fall in love with you for a second time it is impossible,I did not want to fall in love a second time with you...

sejak kita mula contact balik siyes aku hanya anggap ko kawan jep..ko kawan terbaek aku sejak dulu..kaulah org pertama yang cari gaduh nan aku 7days24hours ko ajew yg nak bertumbuk nan aku an..hahhaha (budush weee;p)..ko gak org pertama yg gaduh nan aku pasal planet yg pling cantek smpi cikgu pon pening....hahhahaha...ingat tak masa kene denda duduk kat luar sebab lambat masuk bab sengaja mkn lambat nak skit kan ati ustaz then kene rotan sakit sampai aku nangis kuat giler time tu ko gak pujuk aku an..hahhaha(sampi skrg aku benci ngn ustaz tu hahhaha)...aku tak auw biler kiter jd kawan baek an...hahha (ko ase biler ea)masa ko tolong aku siapkan kerja sekolah kot...hahhaha...aku syg ko sgt2 masa tuh penyelamat aku...weee;p..kalau ditambah tolak bahagi darab aku ase kiter da kwn lebih 10 tahun kan...agak2 r sejak umur 8 tahun g...hahhahah...manyak tu skunk da 21 OMG da tue r ko....hahhahhaa...dan da dekat 4 tahun kiter tak jumpe tetibe haritu ko call aku..OMG serious aku terkejot beruk time tuh...siyes sgt2 rindu nak borak gadoh gosip nan tu sume kenangan kan..

i'm doesn't want to get hurt being in love with u..and doesn't want u to get hurt being in love with me..i'm still searching for my soul-mate..(my soul-mate is people who bring out the best for me..he was not perfect but are always perfect for me)..i'm so sorry i think u're not my soul-mate..maybe be a friends was de best...I LOVE U as my best best best friends..LoVe ya..

a day with the girls

Went to Pavilion with Mai Mai & Hui San today to watch this:

Nanny McPhee - small c, big P
NMATBB wasn't as interesting as the first one.
I much prefer with the adorable Thomas Sangster in it. Bing him.
The return of NM gives you a few good laughs.
And the plot is quite predictable.
Nothing outstanding.
Overall rating: 5/10

For lunch, we went to DAN TAI FUNG on the 6th floor. Tried their famous Xiao Long Pao for the first time, not bad. And the service is good.

Hui San - known her since Form 1. To be specific, she was my first friend that I made in my Secondary school. :D

After movie, we tried these Japanese crepes.
I had the strawberry with vanilla ice-cream - oishiikatta yo.
But I like Hui San's blueberry's more. =O
These crepes are quite similar to pancakes, just that it is wrapped with fresh whipped cream, ice-cream/cake of your choice.
And it is very very sweetttt.
Mai Mai - known her since Form 2.
She's fun to hang around with.

I don't have to buy chocolates anymore for this year...
see how much daddy and mommy bought from Europe!!!
Yessss!!! They are back from the 10 days in Europe trip.
Miss them much!

PS. The Toblerone weighs 400g each and the flavors can't be found in KL, yet.
Ngek ngek ngek.
I'm so gonna be fat.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Super-late post.

Since I couldn't join them to Genting on the 29th of May, we planned to celebrate Elissa's 19th on the day before at Pavilion.

Our first stop - Pepper Lunch. We don't really enjoy eating at PL because it's self-service. We even planned to write bad comments about it.

Next stop - MOF. Not our first choice but SnowFlake was packed, so... Anyway, the Green Tea ice-cream was superb.

Movie of the day - Prince of Persia.

To be frank, I don't really like to watch "sandy" type of movie (eg. The Mummy, Indiana Jones). But this movie was an exception, minus Jake's ugly uncut hair. The ending surprised us all...not going to talk much about this movie since it's an "old" movie. I want to watch Killers (June), The Back-up Plan, Eclipse and Harry Potter:TFH (July)!!!

At the toilet. E's idea.=O

Group photo.
From right: Vincent, Jason, David, Elissa, Me , Revy
This was also Revy and David's second time to Pavilion.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

the boy next door

Meet Hayden, my neighbour.
This pics were taken two weeks ago when he stopped by at my place.

He's so cute!!!

He knows how to pose for the camera!

The future artist-
sketching some pics of his bowling alley and water waves on my notebook.

Remember Me

Watched this film a moment ago.
Damn sien.
That is why I watched the beginning part only.
What a waste for a hunk like Rob. P. in this sort of movie. =3
Overall rating: 2/10

Saturday, June 12, 2010


result coming soon..
I think i'm really got a bad luck cuz this is the first time
I dunno how to do an exam paper.
System Analysis SUCK...

Seriously I can 100% confirmed that I'm so gonna
failed this paper. :(

I can do nothing now
This is like hell to me.
I want to stop those exams.
I want to breathe and
relax all the time.

I know that won't come true. :(
I'll just keep dreaming, alright!?