:..Spinning Spinning Me..:
Spinning Spinning feruz..
olwez pening pening..
blur blur dat was Me..
merepek merepek ma habits..
mereng mereng never ends..
Smile Smile de better thing i like to do..
laugh laugh de most thing i like it..
noisy noisy a.k.a talkative x pernah habis..
lazy lazy ma weak behavior..
suck sad sad..
hate hate xselalu..
if i hate sumone until ur die i hate u..
flirty flirty me sometimes bebeh..
stubborn since i was a child..
angry angry not ma attitude..
fuck u bitchy until ur die ma fav word if angry angry..
shayunx shayunx olwez lorh...
chenta chenta ahakz ehemehem wink2..
devoted dat was me bebeh..
if i love sum1 i will try de best to devoted wth him..
ego gurl dat was Me, so wut hve any problem wth Me?
The Road To Success is Not Straight
There is a Curve Called FAILURE
Speed Bumps Called FRIENDS
Red Light Called ENEMY
Caution Light Called FAMILY
But If I Have a Spare Called
I Will Make It To
A Place Called SUCCESS Bebeh!!
Arghhh Pew Aku Merepek neyh..
aku pown xtau...
just gatal gatal miang miang tangan nak tulis tulis...
norule feruz khalid